![]() | FET 2024: 11th International scientific conference 'New Frontiers in Economics and Tourism 2024' Preradovićava 1/1 Pula, Croatia, October 10-11, 2024 |
Conference website | https://fet.unipu.hr/fet/fet2024 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fet2024 |
Conference program | https://easychair.org/smart-program/FET2024/ |
Poster | download |
Abstract submission deadline | March 1, 2024 |
Abstract acceptance notification | March 15, 2024 |
Full paper submission (2nd extended deadline; after this deadline new submissions will not be accepted) | July 15, 2024 |
Full paper acceptance for presentation notification | September 5, 2024 |
Submission deadline | September 30, 2024 |
1st call for papers | https://fet.unipu.hr/images/site_13241/1%20str%20Call%20for%20paper(1).pdf |
2nd call for papers | https://fet.unipu.hr/fet/fet2024/calls_for_papers |
Conference venue
We look forward to welcoming the academic, research and business community to Pula from 10 to 11October 2024 for the 11th International Conference “New Frontiers in Economics and Tourism –FET2024” hosted by Faculty of Economics and Tourism “Dr. Mijo Mirković”, Juraj Dobrila University ofPula, Croatia, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Excelia Business School, La Rochelle, France. The Conference will bring together researchers and practitioners to present their research and discusstopics related to economics, tourism and other topics of interest to the academic and businesscommunity.
Location of the Conference - Preradovićeva 1/1, 52100 Pula
Keynote Speakers
Maria Gravari-Barbas
Maria Gravari-Barbas has a degree in Architecture and Urban Design (University of Athens, 1985), and a PhD in Geography and Planning (Paris 4 – Sorbonne University, 1991). She was Fellow at the Urban Program of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA (1990). She is the Director of the Institute for Research and High Studies on Tourism (Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes Supérieures du TourismeTourisme, IREST) of Paris 1 – Sorbonne University and of the IREST, a multidisciplinary research team dedicated to tourism studies, with main focus cultural heritage, development, and urban-tourism evolutions. Maria is the coordinator of the UNESCO Chair “Tourism, Culture, Development” of Paris 1 – Sorbonne University and of the UNITWIN network of the same name, comprising more than 32 top level universities all around the World. She is invited professor in different Universities in Europe, the States and Latin America. She is the author of several books and papers related to Tourism, Culture and Heritage.
Nawazish Mirza
Dr Nawazish Mirza is Professor of Finance at Excelia Business School, La Rochelle. He is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Risk Finance, Review of Accounting and Finance, Editor of Economic Research, and Associate Editor of the Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment. Dr. Mirza obtained his Doctorate in Finance, from the University of Paris Dauphine in 2010. He has more than 20 years of experience in consulting and teaching in Australia, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, and France. His focus of teaching and research are Blue Economies, Sustainable Finance, Financial Intermediation, and Financial Risk Management. Dr. Mirza's recent research has been published in Energy Economics, International Review of Financial Analysis, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Review of Economics and Finance, Annals of Operations Research, and Journal of Environmental Management, among others. Before his academic stint, Dr. Mirza worked in Investment Banking, Asset Management, and Credit Ratings. He regularly contributes his opinions to popular media like Bloomberg, CNBC, China Daily, etc.
Marina Tkalec
Marina Tkalec is a senior research associate at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb, a member of the Macroeconomics and international economics department. She received her doctorate in economics in 2013 at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana on monetary economics in European transition countries. Her research interests are macroeconomics, monetary economics, tourism, macro finance, international economy, and topics in growth and development. During her career, she conducted training and research at the London School of Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and UNU MERIT Maastricht. She participated in numerous trainings as well as scientific and professional conferences. She has published over 90 scientific and professional works and participated in scientific and research projects for foreign and domestic clients. From 2015 to 2019, she was editor-in-chief of Croatian Economic Outlook, a periodical that provided analyses of recent macroeconomic trends and short-term forecasts for the Croatian economy. She participated in many round tables, media appearances, discussions, talks, and other professional gatherings in the country and abroad. She occasionally teaches at study programs as an external associate on courses. In 2020 she was appointed member of the Economic Council of the President of the Republic of Croatia. Since January 2023, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb.
Conference Topics
Include but are not limited to:
* Scholars in other disciplines offering new perspectives on the conference theme are also encouraged to participate.
Publishing opportunities
Abstracts will be published in the Conference Digital Book of Abstracts.
Only papers that will be presented at the Conference will be published. Conference Proceedings will be submitted to Clarivate Analytics for revision and indexing in the Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI).
Full papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings Digital Book and up to 5 selected papers will be published free of charge in each of the following journals:
Economic Research – Ekonomska istraživanja
Currently indexed in Scopus, GEOBASE, CABI, RePec, EBSCO (Business Source Complete, Business Source Elite, Business Source Premier, Business Source Ultimate, TOC Premier), CNIK, OCLC, and Naver.
RIC – Review of Innovation and Competitiveness
Currently indexed in Hrčak, ERIH PLUS, Index Copernicus International, Scientific Indexing Service (SIS) database, International Scientific Indexing (ISI), DOAJ, Scilit, Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), Google Scholar, WorldCat, Crossref, Open Science Directory, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), EBSCO Host.
Managing Global Transitions
Currently indexed in International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, EconLit, Directory of Open Access Journals, Erih Plus, IBZ Online, EconPapers, EBSCO and ProQuest.
Journal of Risk Finance
The Journal of Risk Finance has a Clarivate impact factor of 3.5 (2022) and is ranked as ABS 1 in the Chartered Association of Business Schools' (CABS) Academic Journal Guide 2021. It is indexed in Scopus, Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), TOC Premier (EBSCO), ANVUR, Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC), Australian Research Council (ERA Journal List), BFI (Denmark), ESSEC Rankings of Journals 2016, HCERES (France), VHB-JOURQUAL Category 3 (Germany), NSD (Norway), Polish Scholarly Bibliography (PBN), The Publication Forum (Finland).
Review of Accounting and Finance
The Review of Accounting and Finance has a Clarivate impact factor of 2.4 and is ranked as ABS 2 in the Chartered Association of Business Schools' (CABS) Academic Journal Guide 2021. It is indexed in Scopus, Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), HCERES (France), Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC), Accounting & Tax Periodicals (ProQuest), The British Library, Business Source Alumni Edition/ Business Source Complete/ Business Source Corporate Plus/ Business Source Elite/ Business Source International/ Business Source Premier (EBSCO), Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Accounting and Economics and Finance, INSPEC, OCLC - Electronic Collections Online, Professional ABI/INFORM Complete/ Professional ProQuest Central/ ProQuest Central/ ProQuest Curriculum Essentials/ ProQuest Pharma Collection, ReadCube Discover, RePEc, Scopus.
Important dates
- Abstract submission deadline: 1st March 2024
- Abstract acceptance notification: 15th March 2024
Final paper submission*: 30 May 2024 - Final paper submission (extended deadline)*: June 15th 2024
- Final paper acceptance notification: 1st September 2024
- Conference dates: 10 - 11 October 2024
*The authors may submit the final paper even if they did not submit the abstract
Conference fee and payment
BEFORE 5th September 2024 | AFTER 5th September 2024 | |
Participant with paper* | 200 € | 250 € |
Junior participant** with paper | 80 € | 100 € |
PhD student with paper | 80 € | 100 € |
Listener only | 80 € | 100 € |
Note: VAT included.
* Maximum two (2) papers per person can be published. For the second paper author pays 50% of the conference fee.
** Postdoctoral researchers and participants born in 1993 and after.
Conference fee includes:
- Digital Book of Abstracts and Digital Conference Proceedings
- Welcome cocktail
- Coffee breaks
- Conference dinner
- Heritage tour
Please fill the registration form below required for the issue of the conference invoice with payment details.
Please note: All bank transaction costs are to be paid by the author.
Along with the registration form participants are obligated to send us a scanned payment proof, on e-mail: fet-conference@unipu.hr
Abstracts should be written in English and should contain approximately 300 words, with 3 to 6 keywords. Abstracts should contain a clear indication of the purpose of the research, the approach used, the major results and the implications to be described in the full paper. Please, do not attach any files in the EasyChair submission form as this tool will be used to upload the final paper.
Full paper
Submissions of final papers have to be written according to the following instructions:
- The paper should be written in English. The author is responsible for language editing.
- The submitted paper with all supplements (including an abstract, bibliography, references, tables and graphs) cannot be less than 5000 and exceed more than 7000 words).
- The paper is to be typed in Microsoft Word for Windows:
- B5 format (27,5 x 18,2 cm);
- margins all 2.5 cm;
- letter-quality type Times New Roman, font size 11pt, except for the paper title 12pt (bold);
- tables, figures and footnotes all 10pt.
Template FET11thConf2024_submission.doc
In order to submit abstract and/or final paper first create an EasyChair user account (you will receive an e-mail to activate your user account):
After obtaining an user account please:
- Go to the FET2024 Conference EasyChair page
- Press the "New Submission" button to open the submission form
- By clicking on the link "click here to add yourself" your personal and contact data will be added to the correct author position (author 1, author 2, author 3). You can add additional authors here.
- The title, the abstract and keywords should be entered as plain text and not uploaded as a document (only final paper can be uploaded as a file).
- After filling out the form, press the 'Submit' button once.