ICMIR 2024: The International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics 2024 Kunming University of Science and Technology Kunming, China, June 14-16, 2024 |
Conference website | http://www.icmir-conference.com/2024/menu/home |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icmir2024 |
ICMIR 2024 is an international conference that centres on the research at the interface between Artificial Intelligence and Mechanical Engineering. It is inviting researchers and practitioners across the globe to present their work and to discuss the advances in the field. The goal of the conference is to develop a community where members can engage in meaningful dialogues about the intricacies of conducting research in Mechatronics and Robotics and navigating the academic landscape.ICMIR 2024 is an international conference that centres on the research at the interface between Artificial Intelligence and Mechanical Engineering. It is inviting researchers and practitioners across the globe to present their work and to discuss the advances in the field. The goal of the conference is to develop a community where members can engage in meaningful dialogues about the intricacies of conducting research in Mechatronics and Robotics and navigating the academic landscape.
Submission Guidelines
Papers are welcomed which include consideration of
- Mechatronics
Intelligent mechatronics, robotics and biomimeticsNovel and unconventional mechatronic systems
Modelling and control of mechatronics systems
Elements, structures, mechanisms of micro and Nano systems
Sensors, wireless sensor networks and multi-sensor data fusion
Biomedical and rehabilitation engineering, prosthetics and artificial organs
AI, neural networks and fuzzy logic in Mechatronics and robotics
Industrial automation, process control and networked control systems
Telerobotics, human computer interaction, human-robot interaction
- Intelligent Systems
Ambient IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence
Automated Reasoning
Bayesian Models
Bioinspired Intelligence
Brain Modeling and Simulation
Commonsense Reasoning
Computational Intelligence
Conceptual Inference and Reasoning
Deep Learning
Evolutionary Computing
Expert Systems
Fuzzy Sets and Systems
- Robotics
Artificial Intelligence
Bio-inspired robotics
Control algorithms and control systems
Design theories and principles
Evolutional robotics
Field robotics
Force sensors, accelerometers
Healthcare robotics
Human-Robot Interaction
Kinematics and dynamics analysis
Manufacturing robotics
Medical robotics
Parallel robots and manipulators
Robotic cognition and emotion
Robotic perception and decision
Sensor integration, fusion, and perception
Social robotics
- Intelligent Sensors and Automation
MEMS and intelligent sensor technology
Optical and electronic sensor technology
Environmental, gas detection sensor technology
Process Industry Sensor Technology
Artificial intelligence and sensor technology
Biomedical Sensor Technology
Sensor Technology Applications
Internet in vehicles and cloud sensor technology
Sensor Material
- Machine Learning
Action and Event Recognition
Artificial Intelligence
Symbolic Learning
Biometrics Recognition
Data Mining
Deep Learning
Face and Gesture Recognition
Feature Extraction
Dimensionality Reduction
Manifold Learning
Information Retrieval
Kernel Methods
Support Vector Machines
- Automation Control
Modeling of Complex Systems
Optimal Control
Linear Systems
Discrete Event Systems
Adaptive Control
Nonlinear Systems and Control
Learning Systems
Fuzzy and Neural Systems
Intelligent and AI Based Control
Estimation and Identification
Real-time Systems
Fault Detection
Sensor/data fusion
Paper Submission
- Papers must be submitted in WORD and PDF format.
- All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere.
- All papers should be written in English.
- Abstracts, papers and presentations must be presented in English.
- All submissions must be more than 6 less than 12 pages in length. Otherwise, if your paper exceeds 8 pages in length, you have to pay for the additional pages (from page 9).
- Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full text papers including results, tables, figures and references.
Prospective authors are invited to submit their full papers (including all sections, figures, tables and references) email at icmirconference@163.com.
The organizing committee of ICMIR2024 makes a special statement concerning contributions as follows:
1. All articles contributed to ICMIR2024 must be new articles which have not been published in any journals or publications, and the copyrights of the articles should not have been demised to any institution, organization or individual.
2. Several kinds of articles are to be declined by ICMIR2024:
- Pseudo-articles which are incompetent in reasoning and devoid of any statistics, experiments or designs;
- Plagiarized articles;
- Articles translated by translation software;
- Articles irrelevant to the theme and scope of this conference.
3. ICMIR2024 takes a tough position to plagiarism. All articles registered will be tested for plagiarism. Any article that fails to pass the plagiarism detection will be sent back to its writer.
4. ICMIR2024 earnestly requests article-contributors to scrupulously abide by academic ethics. ICMIR2024 also objects to repeated submission of one article and withdrawal of articles without reason.
5. In order to strengthen the supervision and examination of articles and to ensure the quality of articles, the administration team of ICMIR2024 will examine each article for several workdays. Please be patient.
Program Committee
- Prof.Dr. Tao Shen (General Chair)
- Dr. Leandros A. Maglaras (Programme Chair)
- Prof.Dr. John Wang (Publication Chair)
- Associate Prof. Jian Wang (Organising Chair)
- Dr. Mohammad Shidujaman
- Prof. Weiwen Deng (Overseas Advisory Chair)
Technical Program Committee
- Prof. Rabi N, Mahapatra, Texas AM University, USA
- Dr. Liang Zong, Shaoyang University, China
- Dr. Xilang Tang, Airforce Engineering University, China
- Prof. Arturo De La Escalera Hueso, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Dr. Ali Hessami, Vega Systems, UK
- Prof. Yen-Tseng Hsu, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
- Prof. Lakhmi C Jain, Bournemouth University, UK
- Prof. Sanjay Jain, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Prof. Xiaokun Yang, University of Houston Clear Lake, China
- Prof. V.S.S. Yadavalli, University of Pretoria, South Africa
- Prof. Bruno Apolloni, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
- Prof. Harry Bouwman, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
- Prof. Shyi-Ming Chen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
- Prof. Yahaya Coulibaly, University Technology Malaysia, Malaysia
- Dr. B.K. Das, Government of India, India
- Prof. Joseph Davis, The University of Sydney, Australia
- Prof. Guangzhi Qu, Oakland University, USA
- Dr. Chidananda Khatua, Intel Corporation Inc., USA
- Prof. Ayse Kiper, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
- Prof. Ladislav J. Kohout, Florida State University, USA
- Prof. Reza Langari, Texas A M University, USA
- Prof. Maode Ma, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Prof. N. P. Mahalik, California State University, Fresno, USA
- Prof. Vladicescu Popentiu, Florin, City University, UK
All questions about submissions should be emailed to icmirconference@163.com.