![]() | ICSWME 2024: International Conference on Sustainability, Waste Management, and Environment Dubai Dubai, UAE, December 20, 2024 |
Conference website | http://igbconference.com |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icswme2024 |
Abstract registration deadline | November 18, 2024 |
Submission deadline | November 28, 2024 |
Regular registration/Online registration Deadline | November 30, 2024 |
International Conference on Sustainability, Waste Management, and Environment (ICSWME-2024) | https://igbconference.com/ |
Welcome to ICSWME-2024, we are delighted to announce the International Conference on Sustainability, Waste Management, and Environment (ICSWME-2024), scheduled to take place in the vibrant city of Dubai in December 20-23, 2024. This conference aims to bring together leading researchers, academics, engineers, and practitioners from around the world to share and discuss innovative ideas, research findings, and practical experiences related to sustainability, waste management, and environment. During the past decades, we have learned about what we truly value and what truly matters in the regional and global context. At the same time, we have had to relearn the power of quality research in order to produce knowledge that is applicable outside of the research setting. Therefore, we encourage you to share your latest research and let your voices be heard at the Conference. International Conference on Sustainability, Waste Management, and Environment (ICSWME-2024) is a pivotal event that catalyzes collaboration and knowledge exchange to pave the way for a greener and more sustainable world..
Abstarct Submission Guidelines
All abstracts are being accepted for oral presentations. Abstracts must be clearly defined the objectives, methodology, results, and significance outcome of the research study. The length of abstract in your original submission should not exceed ONE page. It should be prepared according to the templates given below and submitted as a single pdf file.
- All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication.
- The presenting author is requested to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
- Only the abstracts of registered presenting authors will be included in the final programme.
- The Review Committee will determine whether abstracts will be accepted as oral presentations in ICSWME-2024. All the abstracts will be reviewed and assigned to appropriate tracks.
- If your abstract is accepted, you will be invited to submit your research paper.
- All abstracts must contain novel/new research data.
- If the same research work was previously submitted to a different conference, but was not presented, it can be submitted to this conference as well. If it was previously presented, it cannot be submitted to ICSWME-2024.
- Use template (MS Word), without changing the settings, to prepare your one pages abstract.
Paper Submission Guidelines
- Full papers should adhere to the following formatting guidelines: they can be up to 6-12 pages long, single column formatting with 8-point font size with Times New Roman font.
- The manuscript should be as per the IJRPR template (https://www.ijrpr.com/download/IJRPR-PAPER-TEMPLATEV1.docx).
- All full papers should be submitted in doc/docx format
- All full papers must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication.
- All Full Papers must have Paper Title, Author names, affiliations and email ids of all the authors.
- Ensure high-quality images (300 dpi) should be provided for all Figures.
- Captions for each figure and table should be provided as per the template.
- References should be inserted as per the template.
- The submitting author should input all author details and upload their full papers using the full paper submission form at https://forms.gle/Lh9Y2NNxagHduP1c6
- Post submission of full papers, authors must register for the conference by paying the applicable registration fee and mandatorily filling the Conference Registration form via the link: https://forms.gle/LUhfmQF3S7Nv2mj8A
List of Tracks
- Track 1: Engineering and Technology
- Track 2: Law and Policy regulation
- Track 3: Sciences
- Track 4: Arts and Humanities
- Track 5: Architecture and Design
- Track 6: Food Science and Agriculture
- Track 7: Management and Media
Invited Speakers
- Dr. Renuka Thakore, Lecturer, University of Central Lancashire, UK.
- Dr. Jagroop Singh, Gulf Medical University, U.A.E.
- Prof. Chetan Singh Solanki, IIT Mumbai
All presented/submitted papers will be published in Applied Sciences-DYSONA, International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews (IJRPR), CRC chapter (Taylor and Francis) as book or with DOI number. Selected papers will be published in Journal of Environmental Education (Scopus and SSCI), Bulgarian Chemical Communications (Scopus), and Energy and Environment Focus (ESCI) after peer review by conference review and editorial committee and internal check by journal’s publisher.
The conference will be held in Westford University College, Al Zahia Campus, Sharjah, UAE 20 DECEMBER, 2024. This campus is at 15 km from Dubai International Airport and 11 km from Sharjah International Airport.
Invitation for Conference Chair/Keynote Speaker
A few slots are available for Conference Chair(s) and Keynote Speakers. If you are available to attend in person, kindly let us know your preference for the same so that we can make the necessary arrangements. ICSWME-2024 offers the following benefits to Session Chair.
• Attend the conference for free
• Publish a paper free of charge
• Free meal and refreshments during the conference
• Official certificate of Session Chair
• Networking with academicians, researchers, and scientists
Your expertise and insights would greatly contribute to the success of our event. CONTACT US Kindly circulate this information among your peers and networks. Your participation and support in spreading the word are greatly appreciated. For any query, mail on igbconference@gmail.com or a drop message on https://igbconference.com/contact-us/
All questions about submissions should be emailed to igbconference@gmail.com