![]() | IEA2021: 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (All Times Displayed in America/Vancouver UTC-7 time) Virtual Conference June 13-18, 2021 |
Conference website | https://iea2021.org/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iea2021 |
Conference program | https://easychair.org/smart-program/IEA2021/ |
For each submission the following will be required
900 word (or less) abstract, with title, author information all entered separately
The same information must also be uploaded in a PDF format using the appropriate Author Template
These documents together allow organizers to create proceedings in different platforms as well as have all titles and author information available to create the schedule for the conference
MARCH 31, 2020: Call for Special Session Proposals
Proposals for Special Sessions can include Symposia / Panels / Workshops & other content formats in 90 minute blocks
These do not need to fit into any of the existing IEA Technical Committee fields, and can be associated with new or developing ergonomic fields.
JUNE 26, 2020: Deadline for Special Session Proposals
JULY 3, 2020: Feedback on Special Session Proposal acceptance / rejection, including comments.
You are invited to submit a proposal for presentation at the 21st Triennial World Congress of the International Ergonomics Association: IEA 2021 in Vancouver Canada, June 13 to 18, 2021.
This will be the most significant Human Factors and Ergonomics (HF/E) Event of the Year. We invite participation from researchers and practitioners from around the world.
IEA2021 is an opportunity to hear from the world of HF/E specialists. To ensure a wide variety of voices will be heard, each author may only be granted ONE lecture presentation. There is no limit to the number of communications that an author may present by interactive ePoster or may co-author so long as other lectures are presented by a colleague.
Step 1 - Write a proposal of no more than 900 words using the appropriate Practitioner or General proposal template. Text should not reveal author identity to allow for blind review.
Practitioner Lecture and ePoster proposal template
General Lecture and ePoster proposal template
Step 2 – Submit this proposal text on EasyChair’s IEA2021 platform ( https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=iea2021#). When you submit, you will need to provide (in separate fields):
- Author names and affiliations
- Chosen ‘Scientific Track’ that best reflects the topic of your proposal; the list of available Scientific Tracks and associated Subtopics is available at (iea2021.org specific link).
- At most five of the Subtopics available within your chosen Track.
- The presentation format you would prefer: ‘Lecture’, ‘Interactive ePoster’ or ‘Either’. A description of these formats is found in the FAQ section.
Deadline for Paper proposals is September 25, 2020.
Evaluation of Proposals :
All proposals will be reviewed for:
- Originality of submission
- Professional quality (practitioner) or Scientific Rigor (general)
- Submission clarity
- Importance to attendees
Registration: Presenting author must register for the Congress by the Earlybird date for inclusion in the Congress program and proceedings.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
I am a practitioner. Should my proposal follow the same format as that of colleagues who are researchers?
- The Practitioner Track template differs from the one for other Scientific Tracks at this conference, with suggested sections reflecting the different perspectives. If your proposal is practitioner- or practice-focused, please follow the Practitioner Track template.
- Additional guidance to support Practitioners is found in the document ‘Practitioner
What are ‘Lecture’ and ‘ePoster’ presentations?
- At this conference, presentations will be in either Lecture or interactive ePoster format. Both will be submitted via online submission to our EasyChair platform, evaluated by the Scientific Track reviewers, and reviewed to the same high standard. Lectures and ePosters have physical space during the program and equivalent standing with respect to content quality. Journal Special Issues are generally open to communications presented in either format.
What is the difference between a ‘Lecture’ and an interactive ‘ePoster’ presentation?
- A summary of the main distinguishing features of Lectures and Interactive ePosters is presented in the Table below.
Presentation mode:
- Traditional lecture from podium, using PowerPoint or other medium, followed by questions.
- Content can be practitioner or researcher focused.
- 2-page abstract PDF published on IEA2021 mobile app
- 4 to 8-page paper published in Springer Book Proceedings (optional)
Presentation mode:
- Author will accompany their poster at a specified time and location. PDF version of poster will be available to attendees on the IEA2021 Mobile app
- Content can include case project, demonstration, discussion, etc. and be practitioner or researcher focused
- 2-page abstract PDF published on IEA2021 Mobile app
- 4 to 8-page published in Springer Book Proceedings (optional)
- Mobile app provides ability to link for online discussion between presenter and attendees and facilitate meetup times between them
- Selected posters will be published on the Journal website, as “Work – A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation”
Physical location:
- Assigned meeting room (15-minute time slot/space with audience in that room) including a a Question and Answer period.
Physical location:
- Standard 2’X4’ physical poster, for a pre-defined period during the congress posted in topic-relevant meeting rooms
Virtual location:
- Within IEA2021 Mobile App
- ePoster will be available online throughout the conference and for 180 days post-Congress for continued interaction
Will my preferred presentation format, be the one I am assigned?
- We will strive to respect preferred presentation format, however changes may be made. This may occur if reviewers recommend a different format would be better suited. Furthermore, due to space restrictions at this Congress, presenting authors will probably only be allowed one Lecture presentation. Authors may be allowed to present more than one ePoster. Lecture presentation authors may be co-authors of presentations made by colleagues.
Why do I need to choose a ‘Scientific Track’ when I submit?
- This selected Track will determine the review panel responsible for evaluating your submission. Reviewers are familiar with the subject areas of the Track that they are assigned to.
What if none of the Scientific Tracks is a good match for my paper presentation proposal?
- If none of the specific conference Tracks is appropriate for your submission, please choose the ‘Other’ Track.
Why should I choose ‘Track Subtopics’ when I submit?
- The Track subtopics will help ensure the most appropriate reviewers are assigned to evaluate your proposal and will help group proposals in the schedule.
Do my chosen Track Subtopics have to be similar to my proposal’s Keywords?
- No. The Keywords within your article may differ from the subtopic(s) specified.
Once I’ve submitted my proposal, what’s next?
- You will be notified of the results of your proposal review by December 4, 2020. If your paper proposal is accepted, you will be invited to revise your paper taking into account reviewers’ comments.
When is my final text due?
- Your final text submission is due February 4, 2021.
Do I have to write a full article for this Congress?
- No. You have 2 choices for your final Paper submission:
- You may submit a 2-page extended abstract including author headers (typically minor revisions and resubmit). This text will be available to all conference attendees via the Congress mobile app.
- You may submit a full paper (4-8 pages), extending the proposal version. This paper will be published as a chapter in a book series associated with the Congress, published by Springer, and will be available for purchase by non-attendees.
Will there be opportunities to publish my IEA2021 presentation beyond the congress proceedings?
- Yes. A number of Specials Issues are planned in relation to IEA2021. These Special Issues are listed on the iea2021.org website under ‘Journal Special Issue’. If this opportunity interests you, please follow the instructions for that specific Journal Special Issue. Be aware that IEA2021 Proceedings publisher, Springer, will hold copyright for the contents of the books produced.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2020: Deadline for Researcher or Practitioner Presentation (Lecture / Interactive e-Poster) Proposals
DECEMBER 4, 2020: Feedback to authors of Researcher or Practitioner Presentation (Lecture / Interactive e-Poster) Proposals including acceptance / rejection and suggestions for improvement.
FEBRUARY 4, 2021: Final Papers (Full length or Extended abstract) due from all authors