ICAECE-2023: 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology Ghaziabad, India, November 23-24, 2023 |
Conference website | https://aece2023.rkgitedu.in/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icaece20230 |
Abstract registration deadline | August 15, 2023 |
Submission deadline | August 15, 2023 |
(AECE-2023) is the premier conference addressing advances in all AI, IoT & Antennas, Communication and Signal Processing including theory, tools, applications, systems, test-beds and field deployments. The conference focuses on the core science to develop fundamental principles that underpin the integration of cyber and physical elements, as well as on the development of technologies, tools, architectures and infrastructure for building AI, IoT & communication systems, highlighting the design, implementation, and investigation of communication applications. The scope of (AECE-2023) is to provide an international forum to promote, enhance and stimulate international research interactions and collaboration in the fields of Computer Science, Electronics, Electrical, Healthcare and Information Technology. It will facilitate to promote the exchange of ideas among interested researchers, students, industrialists, developers and practitioners. This conference will also feature plenary talks, workshops, and parallel technical sessions.
Submission Guidelines
Prospective authors are invited to contribute high-quality papers by the submission deadline through the online submission system. The submission of a paper implies that the paper is original and has not been submitted under review or is not copyright-protected elsewhere and will be presented by an author if accepted. All submitted papers will be refereed by experts in the field based on the criteria of originality, significance, quality and clarity. The authors of accepted papers will have an opportunity to revise their papers and take consideration of the referees’ comments and suggestions. Different tracks will be included.
Program Committee
- Dr. Xiao-Zhi Gao, Aalto University School Of Electrical Engineering, Finland
- Dr. Louis Carter II, Northeastern, Illinois University, Chicago
- Dr. Sunday Ekpo, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
- Dr .Xavier Fernando, Ryerson University, Canada
- Dr S. B. Goyal, City University, Malaysia
- Dr. L. J. Muhammad Federal University, Kashere, Nigeria
- Dr. Satendra Sharma Yobe, State University, Nigeria
- Dr. Samuel Tensingh, St Microelectronics Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, Singapore
- Dr. Siti Nuurul Huda Binti Mohammad Azmin, University Malaysia Kelantan Jeli Campus
- Dr. Agbotiname Imoize, University Of Lagos, Nigeria
- Dr. Binod Kumar Kanaujia, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
- Dr. Asok De, Delhi Technological University
- Dr. Alok Prakash Mittal, NSUT, Delhi
- Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Raghuwanshi, IIT ISM, Dhanbad
- Dr. P. Karuppanan, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad
- Dr. Basant Kumar, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad
- Dr. Rajeev Tripathi, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad
- Dr. Yogendra Kumar Prajapati, Motilal Nehru National Institute Of Technology, Allahabad
- Dr. R.A Mishra, Motilal Nehru National Institute Of Technology, Allahabad
- Dr. Manish Tiwari, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad
- Dr. Krishna Raj, Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur
- Dr. Brahmjit, NIT, Kurukshetra
- Dr. O P Sahu, NIT, Kurukshetra
- Dr. Umesh Ghanekar, NIT, Kurukshetra
- Dr. Vrinda Gupta, NIT, Kurukshetra
- Dr. Pramod Kumar Singh, ABV - Indian Institute Of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior
- Dr. GS Tomar, Rajkiya Engineering College, Sonbhadra
- Dr. Ravi Panwar, IIITDM, Jabalpur
- Dr Ram Lal Yadav, GCET, Greater Noida
- Dr. M.K. Vajpayee , Capital University, Jharkhand
- Dr M S Kathane, TSME, Madhya Pradesh
- Dr. Govind Gupta, Senior Principal Scientist & Professor, CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi
- Dr. Dralok K Kushwaha, The University Of Adelaide, SA
- Dr. Smriti Agarwal, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad
- Dr. Anand Sharma, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad
- Dr. Pinku Ranjan ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management
- Dr. Jagdeep Singh, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering And Technology (SLIET), Longowal, Punjab
- Dr. G Naveen Babu, Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida
- Dr. Navdeep Goel, Punjabi University
- Dr. Manish Dev Sharma, Panjab University
- Dr. Sunil Bhutada, Sreenidhi Institute Of Science And Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana
- Dr. Abhay Kshirsagar VESIT, Mumbai
- Dr Pravin Malik, LPU
- Dr. Arun Balodi, Atria Institute Of Technology, Bengaluru
- Dr. Sanjay Singh, ABSEC, Ghaziabad
- Dr. Jugul Kishore, ABSEC, Ghaziabad
- Dr. Dileep Kumar Yadav, GCET, Greater Noida
- Dr Prashant Mani, SRM Institute Of Science And Technology, Delhi-NCR Campus
- Dr Rajesh Thakre, YCCE, Nagpur
- Dr. Abhay N Gaikwad, B.N.C.O.Engg, Pusad
- Dr. Manoj Kumar, Gateway Inst. Of Engg. & Tech., Sonipat, Haryana
- Dr. Himanshu Monga , Department of Technical Education, Government of H.P
- Dr M S Kathane, TSME, Madhya Pradesh
- Dr. Navneet Yadav, MAIT, Delhi
Organizing committee
- Prof. Dr. R.K Yadav HOD-ECE & Dean Academics (RKGIT)
- Dr. Amit Singhal HOD-CSE (RKGIT)
- Dr. Pawan Kumar Goel Asso. Prof.CSE (RKGIT)
- Ms. Richa Gupta Asst. Professor, RKGIT
- Mr. Kunal Lala Asst. Professor, RKGIT
- Prof. Dr. Puneet C. Srivastava ECE (RKGIT)
- Prof. Dr. Umakant Choudhary ECE (RKGIT)
- Dr. Neha Goel ECE (RKGIT)
- Mr. Anuj Kumar Asst. Professor, RKGIT
- Mr. Devesh Garg Asst. Professor, RKGIT
- Prof. Dr. Ramendra Singh ECE (RKGIT)
- Ms. Hashmat Usmani Asst. Professor, RKGIT
- Ms. Charu Tyagi Asst. Professor, RKGIT
- Ms. Anjali Yadav Asst. Professor, RKGIT
- Mr. Pawan Pandey Asst. Professor, RKGIT
- Mr. Ram Sharma Asst. Professor, RKGIT
- Ms. Farah Naz Asst. Professor, RKGIT
- Dr. Vipin Sharma Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Mr. Vaibhav Sharma Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Mr. Abhinav Bansal Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Ms. Renu Rani Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Ms. Neetu Goel Ass t. Professor, RKGIT
Mr. Deepak Kumar Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Mr. Sachin Tyagi Asst .Professor, RKGIT
Ms. Priyanka Tyagi Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Mr. Deepak Kumar Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Mr. Vivek Singh Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Ms. Madhu Verma Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Ms. Arathy Rajeev Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Mr. Nitish Vashishth Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Mr. Vineet Srivastava Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Mr. Mandeep Kumar Singh Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Mr. Birendra Kumar Srivastava Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Ms. Chaya Sharma Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Ms. Pooja Vajpei Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Mr. Sanjay Srivastava Asst. Professor, RKGIT
Mr. Ramveer Yadav Asst. Professor, RKGIT
All questions about submissions should be emailed to ...