ICCPS 2024 Poster/Demo: 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems: Poster/Demo Hong Kong, China, May 13-16, 2024 |
Conference website | https://iccps.acm.org/2024/index.html |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccps2024posterdemo |
Abstract submission deadline | February 15, 2024 |
ICCPS 2024 seeks high-quality technical abstracts for posters and demos in the area of cyber-physical systems (CPS), including late-breaking results or work-in-progress on theory, platform design and implementation, verification and validation, empirical case studies, and other work that has the potential to advance the state-of-the-art in CPS. Authors of each accepted abstract will present at the Poster/Demo session.
ICCPS 2024 posters and demos should focus on the same areas as the main conference. Please refer to the main conference’s CFP link for details. Both theory and application-related works are encouraged; we welcome submissions from both academic and industrial sectors.
All accepted abstracts will be published in the ICCPS 2024 proceedings, and will be featured in the Poster/Demo session. Authors have the option of presenting a poster, giving a demo, or both. The Poster/Demo session will provide a forum for researchers to showcase ongoing work and obtain feedback from the CPS community. Abstracts must be submitted via EasyChair. Submission titles should start with “Poster Abstract”, or “Demo Abstract”, depending on whether the authors wish to have a demo and/or poster.
Poster Abstract
Poster abstracts should report on research work where at least some preliminary results are available, but they need not necessarily describe completed work. An easel will be provided for all posters. Poster abstract submissions must include a section titled “Poster Description”, describing the contents of the proposed poster.
Demo Abstract
Authors who wish to give a demo should include the following sections in their abstract:
- “Demo Description”: describe the technology being showcased, including a clear picture of the physical demo setup.
- “User Experience”: describe the user interaction with the demo technology, and the interactive elements (if any) of the demo.
- “Demo Requirements”: authors can assume that tables, power, and basic wireless connectivity will be provided at the conference. If a demo requires any special arrangement, please describe them clearly in your submission using a separate third page (not part of the technical content of the abstract).
- Demos can have an accompanying poster as part of the demo. Please indicate if your demo will have a poster or not in the abstract.
All submitted abstracts must be in English. Submissions must be a single PDF file with no more than two pages including references. Authors should use an IEEE two-column conference style, on US Letter paper size (8.5-inch x 11-inch). Submitted manuscripts will be evaluated based on technical merit and innovation as well as their potential to stimulate interesting discussions and exchanges of ideas at the conference.
Paper Submission Deadline: February 15, 2024 (Anytime on Earth)
Acceptance Decision & Notifications: March 2, 2024 (Anytime on Earth)
Camera-ready Submission: March 9, 2024 (Anytime on Earth)
Conference: May 13-16, 2024
Rahul Bhadani, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, rahul.bhadani@uah.edu
Jing Shuang (Lisa) Li, University of Michigan, jslisali@umich.edu