YSC2023: 12th International Young Scientists Conference in Computational Science Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 9-14, 2023 |
Conference website | https://ysc.actcognitive.org/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ysc2023 |
Submission deadline | August 1, 2023 |
Abu Dhabi School of Management and ITMO University invite you to the 2023 International Young Scientists Conference for young researchers and professionals in computational science.
Simulation and systems thinking is one way to explain the complex world in which we live. By collecting big data and building computer models, scientists can make predictions or even preventions in critical situations. The Conference aims to strengthen the ties between young scientists in different countries, thus promoting future collaboration in the framework of Computational Science and major application aspects of big data, high-performance computing, computer modeling, and simulation to tackle a wide range of issues in science, industry, and business.
Submission Guidelines
We invite the submission of original papers of at most 10 pages, written in English, which contain statements and solutions (or research) of a specific problem within the limits of the conference subjects. Each paper will be evaluated in a double-blind review process. By submitting a paper, the authors declare that the manuscript is original, has not been published before, and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. More detailed information could be found on the Paper Submission Instructions page.
List of Topics
- Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems
- Artificial Intelligence
- Big Data and Data-intensive Applications
- Machine Learning and Cognitive Information Technologies
- Problem Solving Environments
- Parallel and Distributed Computing Architectures and Systems
- Visualization, VR & AR in Computational Science
- High Performance Data Analytics and Convergence with HPC
Students of Master and Doctoral programs, young researchers and young experts of the academic institutions and industrial organizations are invited to take part in the conference.
Registration fee: 225 euro (for author), 100 euro (for non-author).
Registration fee includes:
Access to all conference sessions and invited lectures
The right to present an accepted paper at the conference
Publication of accepted paper in the conference proceedings
Welcome Reception
Coffee breaks
Certificate of participation
Cultural event
- All papers will go through a peer-review process. Papers accepted for publication and presented at the conference will be published in the YSC 2023 special issue of the Journal indexed in Scopus.
- Official language of the conference is English.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to yscconference2023@gmail.com