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The Role of the School Sports Association in the Establishment of Social and Civic Values

EasyChair Preprint no. 6819

16 pagesDate: October 9, 2021


Sport and physical education are associated within the school in one of the most important organizations. This is the school sports association, commonly called A.S.S. as its name indicates, it is an association that sits within the school, and which takes charge of the supervision of its members in various sports activities. These members are none other than the students of the school in which they continue their education, generally middle and high schools.

Through the practice of sports, groups and teams are formed, rules and behaviors are imposed and respected, a whole organization is carried out during a simple match, or during a meeting. No feeling is more noble than that of wearing and defending the colors of his team. Relationships are thus established and this small associative institution is transformed into an important social interaction environment. Its influence is very visible in the behavior of the students.

In this effervescence, the young people learn to respect themselves, to identify themselves, to make choices and to be active. Not to mention the development of their physical and mental capacities. At the same time, important values in the formation of a good citizen are learned, ranging from patriotism to tolerance, from self-respect to respect for others and laws to participation in choices and decision making. Values that the human being needs to integrate into the society that expects its citizens to contribute to the development, whether economic, cultural or political. To mention only these fields.

To see more closely these manifestations of values and to confirm or deny the participation of the A.S.S. in this process of "socialization". Through a scientific approach, it will be possible to incite the different actors of education to invest in the maintenance and development of these small units, whose contribution is certainly important.

Keyphrases: Activités sportives, Association sportive scolaire, Socialisation, valeurs

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Yasmina Bennis Bennani and Chaymaa Lotfy},
  title = {The Role of the School Sports Association in the Establishment of Social and Civic Values},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 6819},

  year = {EasyChair, 2021}}
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