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Law and Public Action: Between Repositioning and Extension

EasyChair Preprint no. 5026

21 pagesDate: February 25, 2021


Michel Foucault says: "The stricken city that is afflicted by the plague epidemic is the ideal model for which the authority dreams of expanding its hegemony, and if the people of rights and law dream of the natural and logical state of respect for the law, then the people of power dream of the coming of the plague epidemic to impose complete control on the people."

          This philosophical saying applies to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the global situation. Where the role of law emerged in managing this period through its extension or concentration to direct public action. Discipline became a general formula for control in dispensing with possession of the body. A health emergency was imposed with the beginning of 2020 in all parts of the world, and precautionary measures were imposed to announce it. Parliament's power has also been delegated to the executive authority to restrict freedoms and individual rights: including freedom of movement and the closure of borders for a temporary period of time. This is based on the fact that society must be controlled economically and socially.

             These measures and circumstantial precautionary measures under the law were imposed to contain the spread of the virus on the one hand, and to manage public life on the other hand, especially in its different local dimension from one village and region to another. There is reason to question the prospects for the extension of the law and its implications for democratic actors during the current period and after the end of the pandemic.

Keyphrases: البناء الديمقراطي-, امتداد القانون –, روح تنفيذ القانون-

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BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Said Boutchakkoucht},
  title = {Law and Public Action: Between Repositioning and Extension},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 5026},

  year = {EasyChair, 2021}}
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