NP on Logarithmic Space

EasyChair Preprint no. 9555, version history

VersionDatePagesVersion notes
1January 8, 20238
2January 9, 20238

We changed a definition in the section "The Problems".

3January 9, 20238

We guarantee the constraint that the independent set is "exactly" of size K

4January 10, 20238

We fixed some small details before the paper would be considered for peer-review.

5January 15, 20238

We used an undirected graph on the independent set problem.

6March 5, 20238

We improved the definition of problem TAGAP acordding to the reference paper.

7April 30, 20237

Removed old Theorem 7

8May 15, 20237

We removed redundant content.

9July 21, 20238

We changed the abstract and created the Conclusions section

10July 25, 20238

We recover another variant of a possible proof of P = NP.

11July 30, 202310

We changed abstract, keywords and content.

12August 3, 20237

We change the problems but the result is the almost the same.

13August 6, 20237

During a short talk about the paper, a mistaken detail was detected in the definition of the problem SUBSET PRODUCT (SP).

14August 15, 20237

We simplify the paper

15August 15, 20237

We improved the last proof.

16August 16, 20237

We explain better the composition of logarithmic reduction.

17August 17, 20237

We improved some details.

18August 21, 20237

We replace "We can done" by "We can do" on page 5

19August 27, 20236

Extended version.

20August 30, 20236

Last update at MICOPAM 2023 conference

21November 3, 20236

Corrigendum to the Final Version for the Proceedings Book of MICOPAM 2023

Keyphrases: completeness, complexity classes, logarithmic space, polynomial time, reduction

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Frank Vega},
  title = {NP on Logarithmic Space},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 9555},

  year = {EasyChair, 2023}}