Room 3.0.1
Room details (which includes links to a map with the position of the room, instructions on how to reach the room, and photos of the room)
- Session 1B (Sep 09 09:00-10:30) Tutorial: Advancing Quantum Computing with Formal Methods (part 1)
- Session 3B (Sep 09 11:00-12:30) Tutorial: Advancing Quantum Computing with Formal Methods (part 2)
- Session 4B (Sep 09 14:00-15:30) Tutorial: ASMETA tool set for rigorous system design (part 1)
- Session 6B (Sep 09 16:00-17:30) Tutorial: ASMETA tool set for rigorous system design (part 1)
- Session 7E (Sep 10 09:00-10:40) FMTea: Welcome, research papers
- Session 9F (Sep 10 11:00-12:30) FMTea: Invited talk, research paper
- Session 10F (Sep 10 14:00-15:30) FMTea: Research papers
- Session 12F (Sep 10 16:00-17:30) FMTea: Expo
- Session 16 (Sep 11 12:50-14:00) FME Teaching Committee meeting
- Session 21 (Sep 12 10:30-12:30) FM Conferences Synergy Meeting
- Session 23 (Sep 12 12:50-14:00) FME Business Meeting