Days: Monday, July 3rd Tuesday, July 4th Wednesday, July 5th Thursday, July 6th
Monday, July 3rd
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-10:00 Session 1: CADE-FSCD joint invited talk
Invited talk
09:00 | How Can We Make Trustworthy AI? (abstract) |
10:00-10:30Coffee Break
10:30-12:30 Session 2
10:30 | Strategies as Resource Terms, and their Categorical Semantics (abstract) PRESENTER: Lison Blondeau-Patissier |
11:00 | Convolution Products on Double Categories and Categorification of Rule Algebras (abstract) PRESENTER: Paul-André Melliès |
11:30 | Dinaturality meets genericity: a game semantics of bounded polymorphism. (abstract) |
12:00 | For the Metatheory of Type Theory, Internal Sconing Is Enough (abstract) PRESENTER: Rafaël Bocquet |
12:30-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 Session 3
14:00 | Quotients and Extensionality in Relational Doctrines (abstract) PRESENTER: Francesco Dagnino |
14:30 | The Formal Theory of Monads, Univalently (abstract) |
15:00 | Combinatory logic and lambda calculus are equal, algebraically (abstract) PRESENTER: Ambrus Kaposi |
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-20:00 Excursion
20:00-23:00 Conference dinner
Conference dinner
Tuesday, July 4th
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09:00-10:00 Session 4: FSCD-CADE joint invited talk
invited talk
09:00 | Nominal Techniques for Software Specification and Verification (abstract) |
10:00-10:30Coffee Break
10:30-12:30 Session 5: Linear Logic
10:30 | The Sum-Product Algorithm for Quantitative Multiplicative Linear Logic (abstract) PRESENTER: Michele Pagani |
11:00 | Unifying Graded Linear Logic and Differential Operators (abstract) PRESENTER: Simon Mirwasser |
11:30 | Type Isomorphisms for Multiplicative Additive Linear Logic (abstract) PRESENTER: Rémi Di Guardia |
12:00 | Concurrent Realizability on Conjunctive Structures (abstract) PRESENTER: Étienne Miquey |
12:30-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 Session 6
14:00 | Rewriting modulo traced comonoid structure (abstract) PRESENTER: George Kaye |
14:30 | Categorical coherence from term rewriting systems (abstract) |
15:00 | Homotopy type theory as internal languages of diagrams of $\infty$-logoses (abstract) |
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 Session 7
16:00 | Partial model checking and partial model synthesis in LTL using a tableau-based approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Valentin Goranko |
16:30 | Labelled Tableaux for Linear Time Bunched Implication Logic (abstract) PRESENTER: Daniel Mery |
Wednesday, July 5th
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09:00-10:00 Session 8: FSCD invited talk
invited talk
09:00 | A Lambda Calculus Satellite (abstract) |
10:00-10:30Coffee Break
10:30-12:30 Session 9
10:30 | α-avoidance (abstract) PRESENTER: Samuel Frontull |
11:00 | Two Decreasing Measures for Simply Typed Lambda-Terms (abstract) PRESENTER: Cristian Sottile |
11:30 | A quantitative version of simple types (abstract) PRESENTER: Daniele Pautasso |
12:00 | On the Lattice of Program Metrics (abstract) PRESENTER: Naohiko Hoshino |
12:30-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 Session 10
14:00 | Diller-Nahm bar recursion (abstract) |
14:30 | Cyclic proofs for (arithmetical) inductive definitions (abstract) PRESENTER: Lukas Melgaard |
15:00 | Representing Guardedness in Call-by-Value (abstract) |
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
Thursday, July 6th
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09:00-10:00 Session 12: FSCD invited talk
Invited Talk
09:00 | Termination of Term Rewriting: Foundation, Formalization, Implementation, and Competition (abstract) |
10:00-10:30Coffee Break
10:30-12:30 Session 13
10:30 | Generalized Newman's Lemma for Discrete and Continuous Systems (abstract) |
11:00 | Knowledge Problems in Security Protocols: Going Beyond Subterm-Convergent Theories (abstract) PRESENTER: Andrew M. Marshall |
11:30 | Automata-based verification of relational properties of functions over data structures (abstract) PRESENTER: Théo Losekoot |
12:00 | Hydra Battles and AC Termination (abstract) PRESENTER: Nao Hirokawa |
12:30-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 Session 14
14:00 | Cost-Size Semantics for Call-by-Value Higher-Order Rewriting (abstract) PRESENTER: Deivid Vale |
14:30 | E-unification for Second-Order Abstract Syntax (abstract) |
15:00 | The logical essence of compiling with continuations (abstract) PRESENTER: José Espírito Santo |
15:30-16:00Closing Coffee Break