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Role of E- Gadget in the Challenges of Pandemic

EasyChair Preprint no. 6865

6 pagesDate: October 18, 2021


The pandemic brought a sudden change e- Gadget in online education. Due to this virus, all the people needed to be locked in their house. At this time all the people of the world were shown only one way to get education, and that was online education. At the same time, not only India but the whole world needed e-education and from here online education became very popular. Online education takes place on the Internet. It is also called e-learning. Here students access online study materials, attend virtual lectures, post questions to teachers, chat with fellow students, take virtual exams and much more. Online classes provide good quality of education to the students from the comfort of their homes and also help in controlling the spread of the virus. There is no time constraint.

They can study according to their convenience. Another positive effect of online education is that students have become more tech-savvy. They got to know more about different apps and programs. All study material is stored securely in an online database. If students need further clarifications, they can easily check these records and clear the doubts instantly. Students have a lot of options for choosing online education programs. They can select the topics and subjects of their interest very easily.

Online education is a platform through which education is obtained in the form of video, audio and written material through the Internet.

Keyphrases: -E-Learning learning is beneficial for all types of learners. It is economical or saves time., -Electronic gadgets can provide better teaching methods to the learning process of the students., -impacted nearly every aspect of our lives transforming the way people communicate and learn., Impact- electronic gadget -access information-Benefits of e-Learning

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  author = {Asha Kumari Roy},
  title = {Role of E- Gadget in the Challenges of Pandemic},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 6865},

  year = {EasyChair, 2021}}
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