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Early Works with Electrically Powered Flying Machines (1870 - 1898)

EasyChair Preprint no. 5420

4 pagesDate: April 29, 2021


The main theme of the work is using of electric energy for flight in the 19th century. The article contains information about the projects of airplanes and helicopters with electric engines, tests of electric dirigibles. The advantages and disadvantages of the electric motor as an aircraft propulsion system are shown in comparison with the engines of other types - the steam machine and the gasoline motor. There are also dates on the original ideas of Russian aviation inventors - A.N. Lodygin, N.A. Shishkov, V.A. Tatarinov.

Keyphrases: airplane, Dirigible, electric engine, Helicopter

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Dmitry Sobolev},
  title = {Early Works with Electrically Powered Flying Machines (1870 - 1898)},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 5420},

  year = {EasyChair, 2021}}
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