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Coffee and Registration

Location: Foajé Scandic
09:00-09:15 Session 6

Welcome and Introduction

Location: Bjørnebo
09:15-10:15 Session 7

Keynote: Professor Munir Mandviwalla, Temple University. Title: Small business digitalization: challenges and opportunities.

Location: Bjørnebo

Short Coffee Break

Location: Foajé Scandic
10:30-12:00 Session 8

Platforms and ecosystems

Location: Løvland
Implementing a Data Infrastructure to Enable Business Analytics in the Public Sector: a case study
PRESENTER: Margunn Aanestad

ABSTRACT. This paper describes the initial stages of the process of implementing the data infrastructure required to develop analytics capabilities in a public sector organization. Helfo (the Norwegian Health Economics Administration) is responsible for making payments on from the National Insurance scheme to healthcare actors who submit reimbursement claims. An important task for Helfo is also to prevent and detect errors, and the organization is currently strengthening this capacity though employing data analytics and artificial intelligence. Implementing data analytics entails more than a “plug-and-play” process, and we analyze the initial stages of the implementation process as a sociotechnical change process. As a starting point we employ the CRISP-DM process model and enrich this with additional steps and tasks that was found to be central in the case. In particular, we describe in more detail the preparatory work relating to the technical setup and data infrastructures, and the implications for the information processing routines of the organization more broadly. The case study shows that also the early-phase improvements in data access and utilizing basic analytics capabilities yielded benefits directly, without employing advanced analytics and artificial intelligence. The rich description of the early stages of the implementation process can be valuable for other public sector organizations that seek to build data analytic capabilities.

The emergence of a national collaborative digital ecosystem. A study of one-citizen-one-health-record in Norway
PRESENTER: Bendik Bygstad

ABSTRACT. Developing national e-health solutions has proved to be quite challenging in most countries. However, the coming of digital ecosystems have changed our understanding of how to deal with this type of large-scale socio-technical complexity. Platform ecosystems is not only a technical structure, but a new organisational form, which builds on a particular governance-architecture configuration. How can these insights contribute to improve the national e-health structures? How can we transform a fragmented e-health infrastructure into a national collaborative ecosystem? Our framework is the idea of a collaborative digital ecosystem, characterised by collaborative architecture and collaborative governance. Our empirical evidence is the gradual emergence of the e-health ecosystem of Norway, which we studied over a decade, from 2011 to 2022. We offer two contributions. First, we discuss how to orchestrate a collaborative architecture-governance configuration, focusing on complementary roles, the need for a self-reinforcing process, and the balance of control and autonomy. Second, we point to the role of attractors, i.e., architectural and governance elements that work as gravitational forces, in shaping of the ecosystem.

Evaluation of an Interactive Technology for Reflective Practice: A Case Study of Learning about Cybersecurity
PRESENTER: Pieter Toussaint

ABSTRACT. Organizational learning often requires more advanced types of learning than just remembering or understanding. Reflective learning, in which different possibilities to apply knowledge in different situations, is often more appropriate in organizational learning settings. In this study we have evaluated the use of a mobile learning application to support reflective learning practice using situational trilemma learning. The application was used in an asynchronous mode, giving users the opportunity to participate when and where it suited them best. We focused on two research questions:

1. Do the users consider the system to be user friendly? 2. Do the users consider the system to be useful?

We studied a learning situation in which personnel in a financial organization learned about cybersecurity. We conducted interviews with two facilitators, that were responsible for the execution of the learning process. In addition, we sent out a survey to the participants in the learning process. In both the interviews and the survey questions relating to user friendliness and usefulness of the technology were addressed.

The application was considered user friendly, although there was room for improvement. With respect to usefulness, three important conclusions can be drawn:

1. The concept of situational trilemma learning takes time to understand properly but is perceived as very useful for reflective learning. 2. Using situational trilemma learning makes the learning more relevant. 3. Using the application in an asynchronous mode enables more users to participate, but it requires follow-up by physical meetings to enable the dialogue required for reflective learning.

13:00-14:00 Session 9

Keynote: Thomas Gjesteland, professor, UiA: Title: Scholarly approaches to Teaching and Learning.

Location: Bjørnebo

Short Coffee Break

Location: Foajé Scandic
14:15-15:45 Session 10

Application of IT in health and public services

Location: Løvland
Exploration of Health Data Management Systems; a Scandinavian Point of View

ABSTRACT. In the era of digitalization, healthcare has become highly dependent on data management. As a result, health data management systems have become increasingly important in cost reduction, treatment improvement, and healthcare procedures enhancement. This study explores blockchain-based health data management systems and their development factors in the context of smart city assets. The features and challenges of blockchain-based development solutions are explored based on the General Data Protection Regulation act and Regulations for the Directorate for e-Health of Norway. Latent Semantic Analysis correlation examination and word cloud analysis were conducted on scholarly documents and Tweets and a conceptual smart asset development framework for health data management systems has been proposed from a Scandinavian point of view. Moreover, based on the findings, this paper proposes a conceptual patient-centered blockchain-based architecture for the development of current health data management systems in Scandinavia.

Differences in Information Systems Development and Evolution Practice between the Local and Governmental Public Sector
PRESENTER: John Krogstie

ABSTRACT. We have in earlier work reported differences between how public and private Norwegian organizations are able to use time on value adding activities in their work on IT. Using responses to the ‘IT i Praksis’ – surveys done by Rambøll in 2021, we in this paper look upon differ-ences between local (municipalities) and governmental agencies. ‘IT i praksis’ is distributed to Norwegian public organizations, and the overall response rate is around 45-50%, although not all respondents answer all questions. The data presented in this paper is based on re-sponses from 255 public organizations, with 176 municipalities, and 79 public organizations on national or regional level that have re-sponded. Overall, the investigation confirms the results from earlier investigations when it comes to maturity of practice in public sector and how this might influence their ability to have time available for value added IT-activities. In this investigation we also find differ-ences within public sector, with municipalities scoring worse on sev-eral parameters for successful management and evolution of IT.

Implementering av digitale enheter – En casestudie av digitalisering i norske skoler
PRESENTER: Dag Håkon Olsen

ABSTRACT. Større satsing på digitale enheter i skoleverket, har gjort implementering av 1:1-dekning utbredt i Norge. Fagfornyelsen [LK20] legger grunnlaget for det som kan bli en stor endring i undervisningens praksis. Konsepter som “å lære å lære” skal gjøre elever mer reflektert rundt egen læring. Studien viser at forankring og støtte hos nøkkelinteressenter, skifte i pedagogisk paradigme og god ledelse spil-ler svært sentrale roller i implementeringen. Eierskapet kommunen tar til prosjek-tet har stor påvirkning på visjonen og ambisjonsnivået.

15:45-16:00 Session 11

End of program Day 1




Conference dinner

Location: Lunde