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Coffee and registration

Location: Foajé Scandic
09:00-10:00 Session 12

Keynote: Elisabet Haugsbø, Master of Science (MS) and vice president at Tekna: "Surveillance in the name of National Security»


Location: Bjørnebo

Short Coffee Break

Location: Foajé Scandic
10:15-11:45 Session 13

Data and information management

Location: Løvland
Making Data Work: A Systematic Mapping of Collaborative Data Curation Practices

ABSTRACT. A growing body of literature in Information Systems focuses on the collaborative data curation practices that support the use of novel technologies in the ongoing datafication of work and organizing. In this study, we map the practices and processes that help make data useful and meaningful so that organizations can take advantage of these technologies. We examine 54 empirical studies and focus on the individuals and groups that collaborate to make data useful and meaningful. We identify the following collaborative data curation practices: (i) engaging multiple users in cooperation, (ii) involving higher-level stakeholders, and (iii) using shared resources. We contribute to the IS literature by broadening the view of data curation as an organizational practice that requires the collective, situated, and ongoing engagement of multiple actors making flexible and interpretive decisions to identify and resolve challenges related to working with data.

Blockchain Technology for Data Transparency in Digital Infrastructures
PRESENTER: Øystein Sæbø

ABSTRACT. Blockchain is a new paradigm for data governance across organizations and has frequently been equated to an establisher of trust and to a facilitator of interoperability among parties. Blockchain can also contribute to achieve data transparency in digital infrastructures. This research proposal highlights the importance of data transparency in digital infrastructures, whilst also detailing the main properties of blockchain that can address the challenging aspects of data transparency as a step towards achieving a successful sustainability transition through digital infrastructures. We summarize our paper by proposing research agenda within this area and summarizing the main expected implications from this research.

Prosessledelse og digitalisering

ABSTRACT. I denne artikkelen utforsker vi om det er en gjensidig sammenheng mellom prosessledelse og digitalisering. Prinsipielt handler prosessledelse om å ha kontroll med virksomhetens prosesser og forbedre dem ved behov, mens digitalisering handler om å utvikle og innføre digitale løsninger basert på moderne digital teknologi. I artikkelen drøfter vi om, og eventuelt på hvilken måte disse påvirker hverandre og om det sterke fokuset det er på digitalisering i dag har innvirkning på prosessledelse som fag. Og hvis digitalisering påvirker prosess- ledelse, vil dermed prosessledelse bli mer relevant som støtte til virksomheters digitaliseringsarbeid? For å undersøke dette henter vi inn erfaringer fra norske virksomheter gjennom en undersøkelse med 104 respondenter. Funnene bidrar til økt forståelse for forholdet mellom prosessledelse og digitalisering, og har implikasjoner for praksis og videre forskning.

13:00-14:30 Session 14

IT mangement and organization

Location: Løvland
The CISO Role: a Mediator between Cybersecurity and Top Management
PRESENTER: Jaziar Radianti

ABSTRACT. As organizations increasingly rely on digital solutions, they also become more exposed to cybersecurity threats. Thus, cybersecurity is becoming a strategic concern for the organizations rather than merely a technological issue. However, many organizations are still not sufficiently aware of the cybersecurity risks and their mitigation. This article studies how to engage the top management more in cybersecurity in order to mitigate the risk of cybersecurity threats. In particular, we focus on the role of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) as part of the organization’s cybersecurity strategy. We conducted qualitative interviews with nine cybersecurity professionals, including four CISOs, two CEOs, one information security leader and two information security ex-perts. Our study shows that the CISO role is acknowledged as important for facilitating communication between the technical staff and the top management, and for making top management understand the importance of their involvement in cybersecurity. In this sense, the CISO may serve the role as a mediator related to security aspects of the organization. Further, our findings support previous research on the importance for top management to engage actively in cybersecurity matters, including operational risk management, identifying critical assets and data, and defining necessary cybersecurity controls (physical, technical and administrative).

Tower of Babel Bias: Is There More to Learn about Employee-Driven Digital Innovation?
PRESENTER: Leif Erik Opland

ABSTRACT. With its origins in medical sciences, systematic literature reviews (SLRs) have gained popularity and widespread acceptance in a variety of disci-plines. The systematic processes ensure an exhaustive inclusion of all relevant material and strength of conclusions. Three approaches are known to improve the comprehensiveness of SLRs: 1) extending the search with snowballing of references and citations, 2) including “grey literature” (multi-vocal reviews), and 3) verifying the list of included studies with field experts. In this paper, we explore another strategy – inclusion of studies written in languages other than English, the usefulness of which is debated. Our goal is to understand whether the Tower of Babel Bias (exclusion of articles based on language) introduces important gaps in evidence. The results of multilingual extensions an existing SLR on employee-driven innovation that included articles written in Russian language show that the extension provides unique insights and perspectives not elucidated in the research published in English, namely the employee innovativeness. We conclude that multilingual literature reviews may be time-consuming endeavors with very limited return on the invested time but may as well result in enriching the understanding of the topic of interest from a unique perspective, especially with respect to regional peculiarities. Finally, we discuss the challenges related to performing a multilingual review.


Short Coffee Break

Location: Foajé Scandic
14:45-15:00 Session 15

Sponsor presentation: Excited SFU - Senter for fremragende IT-utdanning

Location: Bjørnebo
15:00-15:15 Session 16

NIKT2022 - Conference Wrap Up

Location: Bjørnebo